
老年人护理 & 服务

Our team offers extended services to help older adults who could benefit from a consultation 和 those who have trouble traveling to their provider’s office due to functional or cognitive issues. 下面将详细介绍这些服务.


The 老年人中心 provides a comprehensive outpatient consult service with an interdisciplinary team, 包括医疗费用, 护理, 康复中心, 营养, pharmacy 和 behavioral medicine for our older adult population who have begun to experience functional decline within the past year 和/or are beginning to struggle at home.

冰球突破的综合老年咨询包括2-3次访问和评估, 建议, 在适当的时候进行短期跟进. 供应商 involved with the 老年人中心 stay in close communication with the patient’s primary care provider with a goal of supporting the comprehensive care of their older adult patients. They will not implement 建议 from the consult without first gaining approval from the patient’s PCP.


  • Older adults who are beginning to experience functional decline over the past 6-12 months – with cognitive 和 functional deficits emerging 和/or those who are beginning to struggle at home.
  • Older adult patients who need more frequent visits than is feasible for a primary practice to provide 和 can benefit from a comprehensive geriatric consult.
  • 通过eCW从初级保健提供者办公室直接转介到老年人中心.


The Older Adult House Calls Program provides nurse practitioner (NP) home visits to older adults 65 years old 和 over who are having a difficult time traveling into the provider’s office due to a functional or cognitive limitation. NP与患者的初级保健提供者办公室合作, 提供一次性急症类型访问,并在某些情况下根据需要进行短期随访.

该计划的转介应通过eCW进行, 使用外发推荐功能, 直接分配给 艾米·巴特利特-帕尔默,FNP-BC 卡西迪·亚伯拉罕森,MSN AGNP. Once received the patient will be contacted 和 a house call visit scheduled within 1-2 business days. 评估记录已完成并转发给患者的PCP.



老年人上门服务项目旨在为65岁及以上的老年人提供服务, who have a difficult time traveling into the provider’s office due to a functional or cognitive limitation. 应该有一个严重的问题,需要由执业护士进行评估.



不,病人不需要呆在家里看老年人上门服务提供者. 然而,病人应该, 有一个功能或认知上的限制,使去办公室旅行变得困难.


老年人家庭电话转介是通过患者的主要提供者办公室, 青年医院免预约或青年医院急诊科. 老年人上门服务提供者将为患者进行一次访问.  在某些情况下,对急性医疗问题进行短期随访. Evaluation 和 treatment notes are completed in eCW 和 will be forwarded to the patient’s primary care provider. 如果要求或认为有必要根据临床印象, the House Calls provider may reach out to the provider office via phone call during or after a home visit to coordinate the patient’s plan of care. Ongoing follow up should be provided by the patient’s primary care office 和 the patient should continue to see their primary care provider for regular visits.


上门服务的推荐可以通过eCW进行,使用外发推荐功能.  推荐信应包括请求访问的原因, 有关患者的相关背景信息, 如果知道护理目标, 以及家里已知的安全隐患. 推荐应直接分配给艾琳摩根AGPCNP.


Phone calls 和 telephone encounters to provide additional information are always welcome 和 can be helpful to start the process of setting up a house call.  然而, a referral into eCW is also required as this is used for tracking purposes 和 helps to ensure all referrals are addressed.


一旦收到推荐, 老年人上门服务提供者将在1个工作日内与患者联系, 病人出诊通常会在1-2个工作日内安排. Time 和 date of the visit will be documented within the referral for reference 和 tracking purposes. 一旦看到病人, 将在eCW中记录一份说明,然后转发给初级保健提供者. Any additional follow up or care coordination required will be communicated with the primary care office.


急性精神病发作不属于出诊计划的范围. 也, the need for a house call visit should not be based solely on the availability of transportation or weather related challenges. 作为病人护理计划的一部分,化验结果可以在就诊时收集, 只要评估也在进行,并且访问不仅仅是为了实验室收集.


Vaccines could be given as part of a visit if the House Calls provider is already seeing the patient for another reason. 上门服务提供者不能仅仅为了接种疫苗而出诊.


是的, 上门服务提供者可以看到VNA正在跟踪的病人, as long as there is a specific need identified for advanced practice provider involvement in addition to the VNA.


具体情况具体分析, it may be appropriate for the House Calls provider to make a visit to see a patient for a follow up visit following a discharge from the hospital.  The case manager at the primary practice or primary care provider can reach out to the House Calls nurse practitioner to discuss these types of visits.


The Older Adult House Calls line phone number is answered by a care access representative in the YH 护理访问 Center. 如果病人有公开转诊到出诊项目, 护理访问代表将协助患者安排家访预约. 如果没有公开转诊, the patient will be directed to their primary care office to discuss their symptoms 和 determine if a house call is appropriate to meet their needs.


如果您需要帮助访问您的远程医疗访问您的实践病人门户网站,请致电 (207) 361-6902 冰球突破很乐意为您提供帮助.




电视访问是与冰球突破的初级保健提供者或专家进行的虚拟访问.  您可以使用电脑或智能手机进行访问.  You 和 your provider will be able to see each other through video 和 communicate using audio on your device.  Your provider can still order any necessary lab 和 radiology testing 和 can prescribe medications if needed. 


Your provider will be able to join the visit from their office at the practice or occasionally they may join the visit from their home office. 就像你一样,他们可以在任何有视频/音频连接的地方与你联系. All of our providers will have a secure HIPAA compliant connection to your health record during the TeleVisit. 


因为访问是虚拟的,你可以在任何地方!  As long as you have an internet or wifi connection with video/audio on your computer or smartphone, 您将能够与您的提供商连接.  你可以在不离开家的情况下进行虚拟连接!


TeleVisits can be schedule by your provider’s office staff in the same way that you would make an in-office appointment.


是的, we will bill your insurance company just as we would if you came into the office for your visit. 


We are currently scheduling TeleVisits with your primary care or specialty providers during our regular office hours.